Social Media Ad Campaign
Our task was to create a set of videos for a social media campaign. These videos would show real Futurehome customers talking about how the company's system changed their lives and saved them money. We wanted the campaign to be authentic and visually appealing at the same time.
Futurehome found four long-term customers who were happy to tell us about their experience with the system. We scheduled interviews in their homes situated around Oslofjorden and fit the whole production in 2 days. We sent a small documentary team with compact equipment to minimize the interference in interviewees’ private space.
Additionally we have organized a shooting day in Futurehome’s office to interview their CEO to use the footage in final videos.
Was there a language barrier?
The greatest challenge was interviewing the customers in Norwegian. We worked with a local coordinator who helped us with conducting the interviews. Afterwards we translated the whole raw footage for a smooth editing process.
In the post-production we prepared 6 different deliverables in 3 aspects each suitable for various platforms.
Did it work?
The campaign converted to the increase in high quality leads and sales of StrømKontroll system in the Norwegian market in 3 months time after launching.