Employer Branding & More
This employer branding video was our first project with Futurehome which initiated a long (and still ongoing) collaboration. It started with a very short notice - only 7 days had passed from the first contact to the first shooting day.
The client was organizing a company trip to celebrate their 10th anniversary. As the event was to take place in a beautiful mountain retreat, they wanted to take advantage of the occasion and create some employer branding materials. The deliverables were:
120 s employer branding video
a short interview with the company’s CEO
30 photos - stills extracted from the video
Did filming interfere with the event?
We deployed a really small 2-people documentary crew so as not to cause any disruption. The crew was multifunctional and discreet, they had a small, lightweight equipment set which was easily transported by plane. Client’s employees later told us that the presence of the cameras didn’t affect their rest and that it’s nice to have a souvenir of a great time spent together.
An unexpected deliverable
The client was about to enter a new market and during the event they asked us to introduce their new Swedish Head of Sales as well as invite their partners to an upcoming expo. We shot an extra interview and spiced it up with drone footage. The clip was then successfully used on the client’s social media channels, to attract new connections, both online and offline - at the expo.
We have found it challenging to pick the right music. From all of the stock soundtracks available nothing seemed to reflect the beauty of the Finse retreat. So, to highlight the Norwegian nature we decided to use composed music with sound design. It gave the whole video an extra charm, which can be useful when the aim is to attract the best talents to your company.