Copernicus Center Drone
YouTube Channel Promo
The Copernicus Center Foundation is an NGO which is all about popularizing science and making knowledge accessible for a broader audience. We love the idea.
And we just love working with them. It’s a relationship (ongoing since 2016!) built on trust and creative freedom.
This time we were asked to come up with an intro for their popular science YouTube Channel.
We had to work around a very tiny NGO budget, so we went with the resources, which we could get for free: the Foundation’s headquarters in a beautiful old flat as well as four scientists with a sense of humor and a healthy self-distance.
The year was 2021 - a time of insane popularity of FPV drone races, so we took our inspiration from there. We built several LED gates around the headquarters and placed the scientists in between, giving each of them a themed post or costume to match their science department.
We did some test flights to tweak the timing and then waited for the blue hour to happen. Working with a very talented drone operator, we didn’t have to fly twice and got the perfect result right away.
After stabilizing, coloring and adding the 3D texts, the video was ready to go.
How well did it perform?
In retrospect, it was a great power-up for the channel and helped accelerate its growth to today’s 177k subscribers. Right after uploading, the video hit 10k views (and back then, this number was huge), collecting dozens of positive comments, our favourite being this one:
“Better than the finale of the last Avengers movie”
Thank you, kind internet stranger!